
Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here are some yummy profiteroles which have become a Christmas tradition in our household. You wouldn't believe how many I made and there is only the 2 of us here to eat them, oh and the dog as well......he seems to have developed a taste for custard.

Wishing everyone has a happy and safe Christmas.


Lara said...

yummmm! they look good! Yay for Christmas baking :)

Evan sent me a link to your blog (we met briefly when I popped into the shop to get my seat adjusted).

Thought I'd say hi!


Jo (ruby-jo) said...

Hi Lara :) Yes, I remember meeting you.

We have eaten all our Christmas goodies which is a little sad. I need to think up an excuse to do some more baking.